Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Othello Act II Notes


Montano & 2 Gentlemen

They are discussing the storm that plagues the sea off the coast of Cyprus and the fate of the Turkish fleet due to it
A third gentleman arrive with news that the Turks are defeated by the storm and are safe (heard from Cassio), but Othello is still at sea, last seen in the storm
People head to the shore looking for friendly ships coming in (one man sent to see whose)
They learn that Iago’s ship has arrived (early) with Desdemona and again wish for Othello’s safe return

Iago, Emilia, Desdemona, Roderigo

Iago and company come on shore
Cassio’s courtesy to Iago’s wife sparks a rant about her faults which progresses to one regarding women as a whole (Iago is certainly biased)
Cassio takes Desdemona’s hand (Iago sees this as opportunity for his plan)

Othello’s Arrival

Desdemona and Othello reunite, happy as they have ever been to be together again
Iago keeps making comments under his breath at the sight
The couple leaves, heading for the castle and leaving Iago to collect their things

Iago & Roderigo

Iago tells Roderigo that Desdemona is in love with Cassio
He doesn’t believe it
Iago explains that she will be looking for someone new, and Cassio is right for the position
Roderigo has faith in her morality (paradox?)
Iago (as usual) downplays Roderigo’s impulse
He asks that since Cassio doesn’t know him he pick a fight so that he’ll get in trouble and be fired
Roderigo agrees to do it given that Iago will still help him get her

Iago Alone

He clarifies his plan citing again that Othello may have slept with Emilia and that Cassio may have as well
He also roots for Roderigo doing his part to help him
If he can’t have Desdemona himself, then he can at least drive Othello crazy thinking someone has
He isn’t sure how far he wants to go with his plan yet

Day 2:


Herald announces a party in honor of their win over the Turks and Othello’s Marriage


Othello puts Cassio in charge of making sure things don’t get too wild and heads off to consummate his marriage

“On Duty”

Cassio gets Iago to help him guard
Iago convinces Cassio to drink a bit with him (after some protesting)
Once Cassio is drunk it will be that much easier to get him riled up and in trouble with Roderigo’s help
Cassio is obviously inebriated and stubles off to watch
Iago uses his state to inform Montano that he’s a drunk and untrustworthy
Iago plays that he’s on Cassio’s side when Montano wants to tell Othello
Cassio reenters chasing Roderigo for some insult
Montano parts them, trying to help, then fights Cassio
Roderigo heads off to inform people of a riot underway (Iago told him to)
Montano has been seriously injured fighting Cassio
Othello looks to Iago to explain – who claims people just went crazy
Montano claims he was defending himself and defers to Iago
Iago sticks with the “truth” as was seen
Cassio is fired

Iago & Cassio:

Iago walks with him and listens to him
Iago downplays his embarrassment and suggests that he speak with Desdemona to get back in Othello’s favor
Cassio goes to bed with hope
Iago clarifies that his advice is proper (were he not involved), but he will use his good advice to turn Othello against Desdemona and Cassio

Iago and Roderigo:

Again, Roderigo wants out, but Iago pulls him back in
Roderigo wants to stop since he’s poor and hurt now, but Iago convinces him that it will all work out given time, he just doesn’t know the plan and its aim
Iago will get his wife to help get Desdemona on Cassio’s side and he will lead Othello by them when they talk to made it look bad